Hello people! Summer is here! The lace animo has been around for a few seasons now , and it’s only getting stronger for fall. If you haven’t tried this animo yet , it’s time to join the lacy bandwagon! Whether you’re wearing it on your top , skirt , or elsewhere , one thing is for sure , lace isn’t just for your undergarments anymore ! Not sure how to rock this animo with confidence? Well have no fear friends , I’m here to give you tips and tricks on wearing this detail-oriented fabric! Interested? Read on! I picked out this great lace top and paired it with a pair of dark skinny jeans. A lace shirt is a great way to rock the lace animo as it is subtle , yet still fashion-forward. Another great way to wear this animo is to invest in a cool lace-based headband – To complete the outfit , I found a pair of great t-flats they add a statement nec klace to the outfit without being too over-the-top. Wear this on campus and...